Below is an estimate of a buyer's typical closing costs. It’s very important you, as a buyer, check the lender’s fees prior to committing to a loan officer. Lenders can differ significantly in their fees. Some loan officers will quote a low interest rate, but more than make up for it on their fees. Each lender should ask each lender you interview to provide you with a good faith estimate. This outlines the closing cost charged and allows you to compare lenders.
Conventional | VA | FHA | |
Appraisal Fee | $450 | $450 | $450 |
Attorney Fees | $175 | $0 | $175 |
Credit Report | $75 | $75 | $75 |
Discount Points (1% of Loan Amount) | Buyer's Choice | Buyer's Choice | Buyer's Choice |
Escrow Fee | $350 | $0 | $350 |
Flood Certificate | $30 | $0 | $30 |
Homeowners Association Fees | Prorated | Prorated | Prorated |
Homeowners Insurance | 14 Months Prepaid | 14 Months Prepaid | 14 Months Prepaid |
Lenders Inspection Fee | $175 | $0 | $175 |
Lender Required Tax Reserves | 3-4 Months | 3-4 Months | 3-4 Months |
Messenger Fees | $35 | $0 | $35 |
OTP Survey Amendment | 5% of Title Fee | 5% of Title Fee | 5% of Title Fee |
Loan Origination Fee | 1% of the Loan Amount | 1% of the Loan Amount | 1% of the Loan Amount |
Processing Fees | $500 | $0 | $2,500 |
Recording Fee | $120-150 | $120-150 | $120-150 |
Survey | $450 | $450 | $450 |
Tax Service Fee | $95 | $0 | $0 |
Underwriting Fee | Varies | $0 | Varies |
VA Funding Fee | $0 | Acutal | $0 |
Wire Transfer Fee | $125 | $0 | $125 |
Tax Proration | Closing Date Through End of Year | Closing Date Through End of Year | Closing Date Through End of Year |
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